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La Boheme, Original Poster,  1896It was very cruel of president Trump to refer to North Korean head of state, Kim Jung Un as "Rocket Man" in a speech before the General Assembly of the United Nations. You apply a nick name to someone and before long, Kim won't be able to go anywhere without someone applying the unwanted moniker.

Actually, I think Trump really went too far when he looked at the camera and intoned "Kim, you ignorant slut." ... I was attending the opera and at a slow spot in the plot the lady next to me said, "How much longer will this go on?" I replied, "I don't know, but it's not over until you sing." ... I just finished a two-night local performance in the chorus of the classic "La Boheme." I got angry looks when I told the lead soprano "You sing pretty, lady. But you really need to do something about that cough." In a modern take on the classic, Mimi sings to Rodolpho the touching aria "Sono caduto e non posso alzarmi" (I have fallen and cannot get up.) ... I am also working on a new opera about a young man's attempts to bring order to the accounting profession during the middle ages. It's called "i Paccioli" which features the poignant aria "O Credito, O Debito, O Amore". ... The maker of the hit TV series "The Sopranos" is planning a follow up that appeals to a lower kind of view, called "The Altos." ... A truck overturned in North Carolina and lost 44,000 pounds of vodka. Fortunately, another truck with an equal amount of tomato juice also overturned.

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