Estimated reading time: 0 minutes, 50 seconds


Normally I don't promote financial calls planned by publicly held companies. But this one for Microsoft, scheduled for September 22 at 11 a.m. ET, sounds like it could be very interesting, although not directly relevant to this market. The title of the call is “Segment Reporting Changes for Fiscal Year 2010.” The last time Microsoft changed reporting of interest to accounting software VARs was when it buried the operations of Microsoft Business Solutions in the larger Microsoft Business Division so that all that the company reveals is usually the percentage change in Dynamics billings. This call doesn’t look like it will affect Dynamics as one of the two executives on the call will be Tami Reller, CFO and corporate VP of the Windows Business Group. But as a graduate of the Great Plains school of business, Reller is of interest to the channel. Also on the call will be Frank Brod, the company’s chief accounting officer and corporate VP. And who knows? Maybe somebody will say something about Dynamics.
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