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Tami Reller, MicrosoftIt only took only day this week for new Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella to confirm what the technology press was saying – that former Skype CEO Tony Bates and former Great Plains executive Tami Reller, are leaving the company. People asked me this week why Reller is leaving and unless one of the parties decides to spell it out, we may never know. Bates' departure seems obvious. Reuters coverage said he was passed over for the CEO job. In a letter to Microsoft employees on March 1, Nadella wrote, "Tony Bates has decided this is the right time for him to look for his next opportunity."

Ostensibly, Reller, VP of marketing, left because Microsoft consolidated marketing under Chris Capossela as EVP and chief marketing officer. I believe there was no CMO previously. Whether Reller, who is staying to help with the transition, wanted to step aside or not is an open question. Maybe she wants a break after years in high-level positions. Nadella also hired Mark Penn, an advisor to the Clinton family, in the new role of chief strategy officer. Although Nadella came out of Microsoft Business Solutions, he has a lot bigger issues than that and had to hit the ground running since there are billions of dollars in stock value that are riding on the direction he takes the company and these are reflected in the flight of talent - Jon Roskill's move to Acumatica and Joe Corigliano's to Target  come to mind.  I'll stick with my view that the company should sell MBS so that it can work on the bigger issues and Dynamics can end up with a company in which it can get more management attention.

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