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Vanna White, Wheel of FortuneMany jobholders are threatened by automation. Personally I would like to see sports journalists largely replaced as robots could easily come up with such play-by-play commentary as "If they don't start scoring soon, it will be too late."

And they surely could field penetrating post game questions such as "Your team just played a great game, how do you feel about it?" .... Baseball season just kicked off again and who can resist the thrill of the fast-paced action. Oh, wait a minute, I meant Soccer. ... Producers are planning for the future now that Vanna White has celebrated 35 years of revealing letters on the game show "Wheel of Fortune". They are planning to have "Assisted Revealing Devices" coupled with hearing aids ready as the star advances in years. Meanwhile, fans are planning to honor Vanna for the skills she showed in pointing to letters, which is now held to have paved the way for the accomplishments of the Kardashians. ... President Trump recently became only the second chief executive since F.D.R. not to throw out the first baseball in the opening game for Major League. His staff explained it was mistake. Told he was to kick off the season or America's Favorite Past-time, the POTUS showed up at the Trump Doral Golf Course in Florida. He confessed to being confused about being asked to throw out the first golf ball. ... Democrats have responded to the GOP's control of the White House and Congress with a new ad campaign "Democrats, Remember Us?" ... Sears and K-Mart stores are having trouble attracting shoppers in the Internet era and malls themselves are being drug down by what were once its anchor stores, the department store chains. I think we can revitalize them as historical theme parks—Mall Lands—aimed at attracting Millennials by promising to show them what life was like in prehistoric times.

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