Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 22 seconds


James Comey, FBI DirectorChildren who fail to receive requested gifts this Christmas are expected to take up the call "Not my Santa". ... I am working on a utility which, when a "May I help you" dialogue box pops up on a web site I am visiting, gives a mild electrical shock to the person on the other end.

... If some home security service were smart, it would hire Kim Kardashian, robbed in a Paris hotel, as a spokesperson. A picture of her in her "greased up" photographs would send sales through the roof. .... Politics is wonderful. Donald Trump has gone from "Lock her up" to calling Hillary Clinton "a fine public servant". In his first public event, Trump is inviting his opponent to a "James Comey Appreciation Day" in honor of the FBI director. Invoices discovered in a Trump office has an usual numbers of orders for feathers and tar. The Clinton staff reportedly have ordered an usual number of small dolls and sharp pins. ... Okay, so campaigning for the 2020 presidential election has already begun? Republicans who didn't like Trump have to do it quietly while they hope he fails. Democrats are searching for someone not born in the first half of the Twentieth Century. ... No one is quite sure which post New Jersey governor Chris Christie might draw in a Trump administration, but rumors are the Department of Transportation is a possibility. Christie was not available for comment. A spokesman said he was scheduled for some bridge work. ... There are also reports former GOP candidate Mitt Romney will be hired as HSOTUS (Hair stylist of the United States) to provide coiffure advice to the president elect.

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