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Bill Kizer Bill Kizer, who had served several Sage resellers as a sales manager, died this week after an 18-month battle of liver cancer. Kizer was probably better known as the founder of the LinkedIn group Sage Partners, Employees & Alumni Networking Group, which he started in May 2008 and which grew to more 8,500 members currently. Born in 1951, his active role in social media showed when his profile reached the 1 percent most viewed @LinkedIn profiles for 2012.

Also in May 2008,  he created the San Diego Professionals LinkedIn Networking Group and  Gerson Lehrman Council Members LinkedIn Networking Group. In the channel, he was sales manager for xKzero from February 2012 through January 2013 and held the same position from May 2007 through March 2008 at the former Barsa Technology Solutions and at Blytheco from December 2001 through May 2007.

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