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ProdwareA weak economic climate pushed revenue for the Prodware Group, a Dynamics and Sage VAR, down 1.1 percent to about $197.9 million in 2014. However, company-wide revenue was up 2.1 percent on a like-for-like basis. The company did not issue any earnings figures in issuing unaudited results for the year ended December 31. More than half of revenue—54.3 percent or about $107.5 million—which was up 3.9 percent on a like-for-like basis, came from French-speaking areas.

Prodware attributed a larger drop in revenue in the fourth quarter to a wait-and-see climate with postponement of orders, accompanied by sales declines in Germany and the Benelux countries. For the fourth quarter, revenue dropped to $56 million, Prodware said it continues to develop its own value-added software which grew to 34.3 percent of revenue in 2014 from 33.4 percent in 2013. It also saw SaaS revenue grow to 7.2 percent of revenue for the most recently ended year, up from 5 percent.

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