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David Dierke, AccountMateAlthough CEO David Dierke has promised not to shave until the .Net version of AccountMate's financial software gets to market, the beard he is sporting does not reflect the year delay. "Dot Net is a beast to learn," CTO Tommy Tan told resellers attending the company's roundtable in Rosemont, Ill. Dierke, who says he takes the blame for the delay, notes a beta will reach the market in the next 60 days and he expects the GL and system manager to hit the market in February.

Development has sped up since AccountMate chucked Visual Basic and began writing the new system in C#, which has enabled the company to automate more of the process. Once the product hits the market, customers will no longer have to buy source code every time the system is changed. Tan rattled off a list of new capabilities that include enhanced security, intelligent search and filter, user settings, a built-in report writer, ribbons and themes and an Outlook-style navigation bar. Meanwhile, Dierke says the company is going to increase marketing efforts, especially through social media. An AccountMate blog is already available and the company plans to place announcements regularly on LinkedIn. "We will be looking to see what we can do to make ourselves more visible," Dierke says.

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