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Rob Kirkey, Pronto SoftwareThe LinkedIn page description by Rob Kirkey, who had run operations of Pronto Software in North America tells the story: “Senior Sales & Marketing Executive Looking For A New Opportunity.” The details are that Pronto VP Kirkey, who took over the position in January 2013, left in August this year. Well, we hadn’t heard much about Irving, Texas-based Pronto Software, which was created in 2012 to run things on this continent.

Kirkey said he was unable to comment about Pronto and referred questions about Pronto’s North American activity to Paul Geopfert, who heads the company’s global marketing. In fact, we've heard nothing about any reseller recruitment or sales activity in that time. Kirkey left with good standing, apparently. David Jackman, CEO of the Australian-based parent, gave Kirkey a nice LinkedIn endorsement last month, saying he was worked with Kirkey for more than a decade. “Rob is very knowledgeable in sales and marketing strategies that would make him an asset in an established business,” Jackman wrote. Kirkey was the second person to run things in North America. The first was Terry Lester starting in January 2006, but he hired Kirkey with Lester noting he was tired of commuting from the home country to this part of the world. Kirkey also got a recommendation from Nick Morton, Pronto’s COO until the last month.

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