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Zach Nelson, NetSuiteNetSuite has raised the base salaries of four of its executives effective April 1. The increases range from 6.7 percent to 20 percent. And raising the base gives each of the four a chance to earn higher incentive pay. CEO Zach Nelson will draw $485,000 annually, up 7.8 percent from $450,000.
Founder and chief technical officer Evan Goldberg gets $400,000, a 6.7-percent increase from the current $375,000 per year. The big winner was COO James McGeever whose base rises 20 percent to $360,000 from $300,000. McGeever was formerly CFO and it looks like his performance as COO is being well rewarded. CFO Ron Gill will have a base of $305,000, an 11-percent increase from $275,000. Other names executives received no increase. These were James Ramsey, SVP of worldwide sales and distribution; Doug Solomon, SVP and general counsel and secretary; and Timothy Dilley, EVP of worldwide services and chief customer officer.


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