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Alex Solomon, Net@WorkAlex Solomon, co-founder of New York-based Net@Work, says sales of Sage X3 are growing at 30 percent to 40 percent. Despite that, Solomon says that in the Sage lineup X3 "has the weakest leadership. It's mindboggling. You have such a strategic product, and that's where you are investing all your money and your leadership is the weakest they have ever seen." No matter how serious their complaints resellers usually do not tee off about vendor issues publicly.

However, Solomon says now "I am generally not very vocal. But we need to make sure people understand what is and isn't working." I sent a query to public relations last week and received no response. I really did not expect one—Sage is unlikely to say anything publicly about complaints like this even if there were any agreement with Solomon's comments. Net@Work is the largest Sage VAR in this country. However, Jeff Roth, CEO of SWK Technologies, one of the other large Sage VARs, while not exactly saying the X3leadership is strong, says there he has no problem working with the X3 team. But Roth has his own complaints. "When we need product issues to be addressed, they can be slow to respond," he says. This is important because X3 is the growth engine for Sage and the Sage VARs showing growth in this year's Top 100 list are those who are selling X3. "All the big numbers come from big X3 sales," Roth says. "Complex manufacturing is where you can differentiate yourself."

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